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An information service provided by Going International | 10/2008

Dear Ladies and Gentlemen!

In this issue you will find the following topics:
1. Course Tip:"New Drugs and Targets for Asthma & COPD"
2. Congress Tip: "Natural Orifice Surgery and other innovations. A NESA meeting promoting excellence"
3. Special of the month: "National Library for Health"

Best regards,
Gerhard Polak, MD

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New Drugs and Targets for Asthma & COPD

Organized by: Imperial College London/National Heart & Lung Institute | Venue: United Kingdom: London | Date: November 19th, 2008 - November 21st, 2008 |  Language: English | Fees: GBP 650 | Contents: Identification of new targets and development of new approaches and therapies for asthma, allergy and COPD (selection) | Audience:   The course will be of particular relevance to those in the pharmaceutical industry, researchers in respiratory medicine, and specialised clinicians and health care professionals | Registration:    E-mail:,

For more information please click here.

TIP: 65 more courses and congresses dealing with "Internal Medicine" can be found in the new course catalogue "medicine & health 2009". Order now!
Or pre-order the new thematic edition "Courses for Medical Specialists" here.

Natural Orifice Surgery and other innovations. A NESA meeting promoting excellence

Organized by: MCM Eventi e Congressi | Venue: Italy: Naples | Date: November 21st, 2008 - November 22nd, 2008 | Language: English | Content: The meeting will enable surgeons from various disciplines to update themselves with innovative surgical ideas. Some of them, such as Transdouglas Abdominal Surgery, the modified Thyroidectomy and recent developments in Ductuscopy and Neuropelveology, are presented for the first time.  | Registration:    Tel.: +39-081-7611085, Fax: +39-081-664372, E-mail: , |
Notes: In cooperation with NESA The New European Surgical Academy

Please click here for the scientific program.

TIP: 47 more courses and conferences dealing with "Surgery" can be found in the new course catalogue "medicine & health 2009". Order now!
Or pre-order the new thematic edition "Courses for Medical Specialists" here.

National Library for Health


Languages: English

Content: The National Library for Health (NLH) is a modern, integrated, hybrid service that aims to be 'the best, most trusted health related knowledge service in the world'.

Extra: The Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM) Specialist Library is a unique resource that aims to provide access to good quality, up-to-date, relevant information on complementary and alternative medicine. Click here.

Pre-order the new thematic edition “Interdisclipinary Medicine” here.

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